To register, please submit the form below or print this form to submit in pro shop.
A note from Bob Forward P.G.A.
Hello to my friends in Highlands and Polk Counties you all have a special place in my heart. I thought I should clarify the format and purpose of the 7th Annual River Greens Classic. I apologize if we have created any confusion. Our sole purpose for the format change, from straight stroke play to Stableford scoring with a team element was to make it a touch more fun yet still crown the individual champion that plays the best Golf. This format achieves that by applying points to gross scores on each hole then adding up the points to get a 2-round total. For this Championship handicaps do not come into play, the player with the most points is the winner. The beneficiaries of this event are 3 Elementary schools in Avon Park and last year this event raised $1,000 for each school thanks to the generosity of the players and of course our benevolent sponsors. So, this is an event that is well worth supporting with 3 rounds of Golf, 2 continental breakfast and 2 lunches. The entry fee of $130 per player is the same as last year and a great bargain in today’s world!
As to the team element. If you have formed a team, you will be eligible for a concurrent team prize pool. Scoring will be the same Stableford format and the team that scores the most points, again all Gross scores, will be the winner. This will have no effect on the individual championship and all teams will compete against each other.
The third element, for those who have a GHIN handicap, is the concurrent Net competition. This is an individual format with Stableford scoring that will be scored at Net. It will have no affect on the Championship or the team element. It is just a way to have more players involved and competitive.
Tees will be assigned by age but the Champion must have played from the Blue tees. Ladies are welcome to compete either as Individuals or as a member of a team. All of our tees will be utilized in order to make this competition fun and to allow players to play from where they are accustomed. Individuals will be flighted by tees.
Please get your entry in soon and we look forward to seeing all of you at River Greens June 28-30.